In less than 20 years, allergies have become a planet-wide plague. Whereas we thought our immune systems protected us, we now know they can turn against us. Whereas we thought we had identified the health hazards, we are now discovering that even the most inoffensive products can be dangerous. Cosmetics, detergents, foodstuffs, drugs, plants, the air we breathe, or a simple kiss can, at some point, trigger an allergy in any person, at any age, in any country. But do we really know what allergies are? Are we aware of all substances that can trigger this immune response? Can we explain why some people become allergic while others do not? Can we eliminate the plague? 400 million people worldwide suffer from allergic rhinitis and another 300 million have asthma. The allergic diseases are classified as 4th on the list of diseases according to the OMS and could become 3rd in the next few decades. The film will explore the various scientific hypotheses made in response to the question: what are the factors responsible for the scourge of global allergies?
ALLERGIES planétaires, à qui la faute ?
Wolrdwide allergies, who's to blame ?
Piérrick Hordé & Véronique Berthonneau
ALLERGIES planétaires, à qui la faute ?
Wolrdwide allergies, who's to blame ?
Piérrick Hordé & Véronique Berthonneau
Amandine Stelleta
School bullying is in France a real plague. We estimate, without having certain figures, that at least 10% of the pupils are victims of it. Amandine, the co-director, is one of them. She is not accounting her story through this documentary, but she is totally legitimate to approach witnesses. This unveils the reason of this social disease, and why, in France, the problem is so badly taken into consideration.
52’ produced by Illégitime Défense - Delivery July 2013 France 5, LCP-AN, RTBF.
Russia: Nostalgic of the Empire?
Barbara Necek
The year after the downfall of the Soviet Union, President Boris Eltsine declared: “the imperial Russia is over”. A long era that started with Ivan the Terrible… 10 years later, his successor, Vladimir Poutine answered him by stating: “The downfall of the Soviet Union was the biggest catastrophe of the 20th century.”Behind official positions, what are the real relationships between Moscow and its former satellites? Are they the fruit of a shared past or the sign of a new form of imperialism? Do Russians want to rebuild a new glacis, as revenge for the 1991 humiliation? Or recreate a new empire? Scripted as a road trip, from the Chinese-Russian border to Eastern Europe, through Central Asia or Siberia, this documentary explores the periphery of the Russian world; without forgetting Moscow, its elites and its politicians, swaying between nostalgia and geopolitical issues.
52’, produced by Illégitime Défense - 2012 France 5, RTBF, NRK, TVP.
May I Have This Dance?
B. Necek
From the outside, Austria, appears to be very secretive, old-fashioned and sometimes extremist in its political choices. In fact, Austria is diverse culturally, politically and its population is, by essence, a mix of a lot of different origins. Through its most well-known cultural element, the Viennese balls, we will discover the diversity of this very peculiar and almost melancholic society: the Opera Ball, the most traditional one, the Beggars Ball (reminding us of the origins of balls, the modest social classes), the Immigrants’ Ball, the Ball of Bad Taste and finally the Rosenball, the Gay and Lesbian ball that takes place in the Auersperg Palace every year.
90’ and 52’, produced by Illégitime Défense - 2012 Arte, ORF, RTBF, RTS, YLE, TG4, RTV5, Planet Poland, MTV Hungary, Czech TV.

Bruno Victor-Pujebet & Marc Felix
Human history is at a turning point.
The distance between mankind and machines has never been so narrow. We and they are so close in fact that doubts are being cast as to what it is to be human. Mankind's future is being played out now. What if robots could make us immortal?
We are on the verge of a humanoid revolution. These robots with a human face are ever more efficient; they walk, see, hear and speak. They look more and more like us and are nearly ready to enter our homes and lives. In ten years, predict the roboticists, androids will belong to our daily lives just as personal computers do now. What about us? Are we ready to welcome them?
This revolution concerns us all. Max Aguilera-Hellweg, a photographer, physician, artist and scientist, travels the world to tell us about it. From Vermont to Japan, from New York to Osaka, he is a unique, front-line witness. He visits cutting-edge research centres and will act as guide in our film, At the Heart of Robots, an account of this scientific and artistic quest.
Gstaad… Behind The Scenes
Elisabeth Schlumberger
Once upon a time, there was a small village lost in the mountains of Switzerland. With the opening of the Montreux-Oberland-Bernois railway line, Gstaad is easily reachable, as of 1905. The first hotels are then built. Two world wars and a major worldwide crisis delay the launch of the now famous winter sports resort. Famous guests are spending time there: Julie Andrews, Roger Moore, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Peter Sellers, David Niven. The director decided here to reveal the daily life of anonymous inhabitants.
85’ and 52’, produced by Illégitime Défense and JMH - 2012
Gstaad… Behind The Scenes
Elisabeth Schlumberger
Once upon a time, there was a small village lost in the mountains of Switzerland. With the opening of the Montreux-Oberland-Bernois railway line, Gstaad is easily reachable, as of 1905. The first hotels are then built. Two world wars and a major worldwide crisis delay the launch of the now famous winter sports resort. Famous guests are spending time there: Julie Andrews, Roger Moore, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Peter Sellers, David Niven. The director decided here to reveal the daily life of anonymous inhabitants.
85’ and 52’, produced by Illégitime Défense and JMH - 2012
Gstaad… Behind The Scenes
Elisabeth Schlumberger
Once upon a time, there was a small village lost in the mountains of Switzerland. With the opening of the Montreux-Oberland-Bernois railway line, Gstaad is easily reachable, as of 1905. The first hotels are then built. Two world wars and a major worldwide crisis delay the launch of the now famous winter sports resort. Famous guests are spending time there: Julie Andrews, Roger Moore, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Peter Sellers, David Niven. The director decided here to reveal the daily life of anonymous inhabitants.
85’ and 52’, produced by Illégitime Défense and JMH - 2012
Sylvie Deleule
Aujourd'hui, le business des pompes funèbres est en pleine mutation. Depuis la libéralisation du service public des funérailles en 1993, les protagonistes du marché n'ont cessé de s'adapter aux tendances sociologiques, économiques et technologiques. De la retransmission via Internet d'une cérémonie aux tombes connectées en passant par les sites mémoriaux sur les réseaux sociaux, l'offre est de plus en plus variée pour qui veut gérer son départ ou demeurer encore plus longtemps dans le cœur de ses proches. Etat des lieux d'un secteur qui ne connaît pas la crise.
52’, produced by Illégitime Défense France 5 - 2014
Oedipus in China
Baudouin Koenig
This documentary gives an account of an intellectual adventure: for the past 10-15 years, psychoanalysts and Chinese and foreign therapists have been adapting psychoanalysis to the Chinese cultural and lingual background. One does not speak easily about oneself in China. This film is an open door to an intimate portrait of China nowadays, beyond political and socio-economical upheavals. The quest for oneself is ultimately revealing a society in complete transformation.
52’, produced by Les films du Bosco - 2008
Hosts in Tokyo
Mathias Gokalp and Mayumi Chijiwa
We are aware of the Hostess bars in Tokyo where men gather and get heavily drunk to forget about their difficult daily life. We know less about the fact that bars also exist for women who want to have a good time. The hosts are young, are dressed in a trendy way, have fashionable haircuts and are standing at the ready, waiting for the women who will pay for their “services”. Some sleep with them, most just give them everything the other men, from a very macho society, de not offer them: they behave like gentlemen and are careful to their needs and desires!
52’, produced by Karé Productions - 2007
Grigny Projects: A State of Emergency
P. and S. Schmitt
The two directors rented a flat in one of the most dangerous suburbs of Paris, France, La Grande Borne. During a one-year-immersion they filmed the daily life of a population where unemployment reaches peaks, police forces never go unless they are a group of 50 and drug dealers rule. But there are also some young adults who have studied, graduated, gotten good jobs and still want to live there. Simply because it’s home… There are also women, mothers, grand-mothers who are fed up with the violence and do their best to counter it and offer some hope and future to their children.
70’ and 52’, produced by Illégitime Défense for M6 - 2009
A. Guadalpi, G. Darbois, M.Gas
Since the Roswell affair, in July 1947, UFOs have been a mystery generating fantasy, hysterical reactions and numerous so-called scientific studies. Without forgetting the large literature published on the subject and many films, produced for some time now, we have not heard of UFOs landing on earth. Does it mean aliens have abandoned the idea of invading our planet? Or does it mean UFOs never existed. This documentary proposes to examine the subject, with interviews of the main speakers on the genre for the past 60 years.
52’, produced by Mediavisuel - 2007
Yannick Carbonnaux
NGO members are often seen by the populations as heroes. They get involved, often in troubled times, to help or save people. What is behind this commitment? What are their motivations? The director, Yannick Carbonnaux followed several young doctors during an “internship” in India, and discover the world of charity… Shot in English.
52’, produced by Allzat - 2008
Google: the Thinking Factory
Gilles Cayatte
What do we know about Google besides the fact that it is the name of the world’s most famous website? It defines itself as the ultimate tool to seek and obtain answers. It is about time we asked Google the answer it promised us. Gilles Cayatte, was granted access to the Googleplex in California. Through interviews with several managers, inventors, advisors and… users, the director of this documentary unveils Google’s real intentions.
52’, produced by Dreamway Productions - 2007
Naples, City of the Other Women
P. Chlous
The story of Naples is closely linked to that of its community of transvestites. They have been in Naples since its birth, about 2500 years ago. They are the symbol of this city, swinging between Christianity and Paganism. Like Naples they are at the crossroads of a of multitude of cultures : Greeks , Normans, Aragonese, French and Spanish.. Take a look at Naples’ favourite children!
52’, produced by Illégitime Défense and Mobilis for TV5 - 2006
Rap in Bamako
C. Robion, N. Bénac
The story of rap music in Mali. In this region of Africa, rap is a bridge between occidental influences and local musical tradition. Several artists use their fame to help children who live in the streets. In Mali, behind an apparent democracy, freedom of speech is a constant battle. Because of their lack of objectivity, the youth no longer turn to mainstream media, and find in rap music a way to express their feelings, their fears and their hopes. Special guest appearance by Amadou and Myriam.
52’, produced by Telemac - 2005
Desperately Seeking Women
N. Borgers
France is by far one of the European countries where women are the most under-represented on the political scene. A year ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections, Nathalie Borgers analyses the situation of women in politics in a country which claims to have invented democracy and equality of rights.
52’, produced by Les Films de la Greluche and EIKON for ARTE and WDR - 2006