NEW - Georges Carpentier - The Gentleman of the Ring
Loïc Van Russel
From the chance discovery of noble art to the battlefields of the Great War, from North Corons to Hollywood,«Le Gentleman du ring» retraces the romantic life of Georges Carpentier.. The first French English boxing world champion, the most popular sportsman of the 1920s, he was also a film actor and magazine leader. A friend of Charlie Chaplin, Maurice Chevalier and Mistinguett, he became the first people of France.
HD – 52' – Produced by SEPPIA FILM and distributed by Illégitime Défense Available now

Nuclear Power - A Solution for the Planet?
Ghislaine Buffard
The decline of the nuclear power is a planetwide trend. Of the 400 working reactors in the world, half will be shut down within 20 years. Following the Fukushima disaster, in Europe Germany gave up on nuclear energy and will close its last plant in 2022. Belgium, Switzerland and Spain will follow suit by abandonning the atom. France, the most nuclear country in the world with 70% of its electrical energy coming from the atom, made an historic swerve in 2020 by retiring Fessenheim, the oldest of its nuclear plants, and 12 other reactors of the remaining 56 will be closed by 2035. What if the clean atom were a smoke-screen? It is true that the nuclear production of electricity emits very little CO2, but does that make it ecologically sound?
HD – 52' – Produced by SEPPIA FILM and distributed by Illégitime Défense Available now

Land of plenty, Land of but a few
D. Cardoso
In 2018, the world food crisis shifted agricultural investment to countries with productive land and cheap labour. The Nacala Corridor, one of the most fertile and populated areas of Mozambique, was heavily affected. Thousand of peasant farmers were dispossessed of their land and are still waiting for the promises of a better life to come true. Today they resist in a fight akin to David and Goliath that seems don't to have an end. "Land of plenty, land of but a few" tells the story of this conflict.
HD – 53’ – Produced by Divergente and Bagabaga Studios - 2018

Elalab - Zé Wants to Know Why
D. Cardoso
In recent years, the inhabitants of Elalab - a remote village in Guinea-Bissau - have been embroiled in an uphill battle against rising sea levels. Zé is one of the oldest men in the community and his recollections represent the collective memories, anxieties and fears.
"Why is this happening?" he asks. The inhabitants of Elalab don't know what global warming is, they haven't even ever heard the term, but they describe all its effects, against which they are forced to fight, with upsetting accuracy.
HD – 26’ – Produced by Divergente and Bagabaga Studios – 2018
Maurice Papon - Lessons of a Trial
S. Houot
This documentary about the trial of Maurice Papon recounts for the first time the stakes and highlights of the affair and takes us back into Bordeaux in the days of German occupation. Twenty years after the longest and most controversial verdict in France's judicial history, plaintiffs, lawyers, magistrates and historians have their voices heard and make their assessment of the trial. Hearing after hearing, they shed light on a crime devised in an office, behind the thick curtains of a French prefecture.
HD - 52' – Produced by Mara Films – France 3 – 2018